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Quick look: payer contracting trends and insights

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and payer contracting is no exception. Here are some current trends and emerging challenges in payer contracting that healthcare organizations should be aware of:

Shift towards value-based care

There is a growing trend towards value-based care in payer contracting, with an emphasis on achieving better outcomes and reducing costs. Healthcare organizations that can demonstrate their ability to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care are more likely to succeed in the current marketplace.

Increasing consolidation

Payers and providers have been increasingly consolidating to achieve economies of scale and gain more negotiating power. This can make it more challenging for smaller healthcare organizations to negotiate fair contracts and compete in the marketplace.

Telehealth and remote care

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth and remote care, which can have significant implications for payer contracting. Healthcare organizations that are able to provide these services effectively and efficiently may have an advantage in negotiating contracts with payers.

Regulatory changes

Changes in healthcare regulations, such as the Affordable Care Act and Medicare payment reforms, can have a significant impact on payer contracting. Healthcare organizations must stay up-to-date on regulatory changes and adapt their contracting strategies accordingly.

To adapt and stay ahead of the curve in the changing healthcare landscape, healthcare organizations should consider the following recommendations:

Focus on quality and outcomes

Healthcare organizations should prioritize quality and outcomes in their payer contracting strategies, and develop KPIs that align with their strategic goals and focus on value-based care.

Embrace technology

Healthcare organizations should embrace technology, such as telehealth and remote care, to improve efficiency and patient outcomes, and negotiate contracts with payers that support these services.

Build strong relationships

Healthcare organizations should build strong relationships with payers and collaborate on cost reduction and quality improvement initiatives. This can help them negotiate better contracts and achieve better outcomes for their patients.

Stay informed

Healthcare organizations should stay informed about regulatory changes and emerging trends in payer contracting, and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Successful organizations use Medallion

For comprehensive information on this topic, read: What is payer contracting?

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