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Comparing the outcomes and costs of Medallion vs. traditional provider operations methods

Medallion is 78% faster and can offer a cost savings of 49.8% compared to traditional provider operations methods.

Medallion's unique ability to handle complex and burdensome tasks lets your team focus on critical work

Healthcare is evolving fast, and you need to keep up. As the industry scales, real-time processing of large volumes of provider data is crucial.

When it comes to credentialing and enrollment, speed matters. Delays don’t just slow things down—they impact the provider-patient experience, and hit the value and competitiveness of your business hard. According to the MGMA, a single day of delay can cost a medical group $10,122 in lost revenue.

Medallion equips your team to handle the fast-paced demands of today’s healthcare environment. We take on the complex, time-consuming tasks of provider operations so your team can focus on what really matters: growth and patient care.

The strategic move to outsourcing your provider operations

When deciding whether to build or scale your provider operations in-house or partner with an external expert, focus on these four key considerations:

Medallion: Better outcomes at lower costs

Medallion is the leading provider network management platform that powers end-to-end credentialing, enrollment, and monitoring automation. We free healthcare teams to focus on what matters by enabling healthcare organizations to quickly and accurately manage and grow their provider networks with our proprietary AI-powered automation technology, which we built from scratch.

Medallion reduces credentialing and enrollment delays without compromising provider data, and we significantly lower your costs compared to legacy provider operations.

We benchmarked ROI calculations against industry averages, and Medallion consistently delivers better outcomes across credentialing and enrollment, with fewer administrative burdens. Medallion can offer a cost savings of 49.8% compared to traditional provider operations methods. That means reduced operational spending, less ongoing administrative effort, and a distinct business advantage for you.

In this paper, we dive into Medallion's outcomes and cost savings so you can see how its efficiency could benefit your business.

Medallion’s unique value proposition

Medallion sets itself apart by automating credentialing, enrollment, licensing, provider data management, and monitoring with AI-driven technology—delivering unmatched speed and accuracy. Our focus is on delivering results: saving time, generating more revenue, and reducing operational costs for our customers.

We also provide a single source of truth for managing all provider operations and workflows.

Outcomes: Medallion is 78% faster than traditional provider operations methods

We’ve quantified efficiency by comparing Medallion to traditional methods around these outcomes:

Cost-effectiveness analysis: Medallion's 49.8% cost savings

Switching to Medallion isn’t just strategic—it’s a smart financial move. (Organizations even report a 60% reduction in their operational costs thanks to fewer required staff and lower error-related losses). Let’s break down how Medallion compares to industry averages with two ROI models.

Cost savings

The cost savings ROI model is probably the most familiar and straightforward. You look at your existing costs—tools and people at total compensation (salary + benefits)—and compare this against your proposed costs for a new solution. 

In the example here, we're comparing existing tools (in-house) to new tools and existing full-time employees (FTE) to new FTE.

When we help our prospects put together ROI models, we examine two scenarios depending on their business needs: reduction in FTE or, more commonly, reallocation of FTEs. 

This means that we see teams shift their operations specialists from administrative-focused roles to provider-facing roles, patient financial service-related functionalities or other departments. Again, this is entirely dependent on your business needs and any headwinds you may be facing. 

In the example, an organization currently spends $600,000 annually on tools and staffing:

  • Existing costs: $150,000 for tools and $450,000 across three FTEs.
  • Proposed solution with Medallion: $376,380 for new tools and optimized FTE allocation.

This shift results in $373,620 in savings, which translates to a 49.8% reduction in overall operational costs.

By reallocating resources and leveraging automation through Medallion, organizations can not only cut costs significantly but also refocus their team’s efforts on higher-value tasks.

Gained revenue from faster turnaround times (TATs)

This model evaluates revenue earned per calendar day and takes into account turnaround times (TATs). To use this model, first determine the revenue your organization generates per day for each provider type. Research from a top insurance payer estimates the following:

  • Average doctor: $1,901 per calendar day
  • Average nurse: $1,099 per calendar day
  • Average behavioral health practitioner: $510 per calendar day

Now, compare your current TAT with the potential TAT after optimization. If your new turnaround time is faster, you’ll see a gain in revenue, as providers can start seeing patients sooner. 

For instance, by reducing the TAT from 90 days to 60 days for 15 new doctors, 10 nurses, 3 behavioral health practitioners, and 1 other provider, the potential gained revenue per calendar day is $41,535, which could lead to $1.23 million in additional revenue over the delay period.

This model highlights how optimizing TATs can significantly increase your revenue. Faster processes mean improved financial performance, enabling reinvestment in growth and efficiency.

What Medallion means for you

The difference between Medallion and traditional provider operations is game-changing. With Medallion, healthcare teams achieve greater consistency, efficiency, and better results with fewer resources.

This means significant cost savings on overhead and headcount, plus more time for providers and admin teams to focus on what truly matters—delivering exceptional patient care with confidence.

The right solution, one that reliably meets your performance specs, unlocks new revenue opportunities and reduces enrollment delays or denials, preventing frustrated providers and inefficient processes.

Medallion offers that solution: a robust, scalable answer that outperforms traditional in-house operations across every key metric. By adopting Medallion, healthcare organizations can not only meet but surpass their operational goals, boosting both provider and patient satisfaction.

Ready to see the difference Medallion can make? Contact us today for a demo, and start transforming your provider operations into a streamlined powerhouse of efficiency.

The ROI calculations and metrics in this paper are based on example data and industry averages and may not reflect your organization's exact results. The comparison is accurate as of the publication date but may change over time. For precise insights, use data specific to your organization and conduct a thorough analysis.